Monday, November 23, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Check out this fab FB page on YA clifi (climate fiction) and YA eco-fiction by @EbookDonna on Twitter. She has kindly featured my books EXODUS, ZENITH and AURORA, and there are many more exciting reads by other authors being added.  

A fantastic resource for schools and teachers too!

Friday, September 25, 2015

More Green, Less Blue

A Paler Shade of Green

About ten years ago, the asthma I'd had since childhood became much worse.

It turns out that diesel, the supposedly 'clean' fuel, isn't clean at all. It's looking as if it's even worse than petrol pollution for our lungs and hearts and planet. I live healthily and the worsening of my asthma happened at the same time as the surge in diesel cars. Asthma and lung disease is soaring around the world. Coincidence?

Too blue
Car manufacturer Volkswagen has been lying about how much pollution its cars are causing, fixing the emissions monitors on 11 million of its cars to make them seem much greener than they are, pumping out a possible 1 million tonnes of extra air pollution every year. Read about it here.

Good Green News

So it's great to hear that 96 cities are quitting fossil fuels and moving to 100% renewable energy. If 96 cities can do it, why not 100% of cities? Read about it here.

Fifty Shades of Green

Green cities and cars help us all breathe easy. More green means less of the blue inhalers!

Welcome to EARTHSPACE...

EARTHSPACE is the best way I could think of to respond to the many, many questions from (mostly) young people who have read my epic story of a drowned world - EXODUS, ZENITH with AURORA to follow - and are left wondering about the future.

'I've read your books,' the emails and letters say, 'and I can't get the story out of my head. What can I do about the future?'

EARTHSPACE is for you.